This is a web page that was started on 9 May 2021. It is a project page from the College of Exploration (TCOE) to gather together all the educational activities it completed during a funded period 10-15 years ago, and to plan and create new projects in 2021-2031.
Additionally, and currently the purpose is to support the Challenger 150 work over the next Decade of Ocean Science by collecting and curating other related educational websites.
A webpage created circa 2004 is one example of the work we completed (some pages out of date).
An animated fly through was created in videos originally developed in Adobe Flash, now being re created as mp4s. see HMS Challenger Animations Showcase
The College of Exploration (TCOE) created an online workshop in 2004 with NOAA Office of Ocean Exploration funding support. The website is Challenger and Beyond Virtual Workshop 2004 ( Details from the workshop will be added here.
2004 Keynote Presentation from Prof. Gwyn Griffiths.
In 2003-2004 TCOE also worked with David Bossard who committed his retirement to digitize the HMS Challenger Volumes. We had an indexed website with them that crashed 10 years ago. We will attempt to recreate it here. His work that created the digitized volumes is also here hosted by VLIZ in Belgium Library of 19th Century Science
Other examples are H.M.S. Challenger Collection | History Archive
TCOE Academic Director Dr. Tina Bishop recently helped the BBC source this article The quest that discovered thousands of new species – BBC Future
Challenger 150 is a celebration of 150 years of oceanography and ocean exploration that have followed the original voyage. Check out this project Challenger 150 – DOSI (
One of the interesting opportunities is to compare the data from the 1870s to the present day. Here is a recent example Global-scale patterns of observed sea surface salinity intensified since the 1870s | Communications Earth & Environment (
The College of Exploration and partners contribution will focus on objectives 3 and 4:
3. Build fundamental ecological understanding of deep-sea ecosystems including ecosystem services delivered by the deep seas, and flows of benefits to society.
4. Increase use of deep ocean knowledge through development of effective ‘knowledge to end-user’ pathways, including use of decision-support tools in modelling deep sea management scenarios.
TCOE is partner with the Woods Hole Institute. Together we are scoping out events, projects and programs that reflect the transdisciplinary work of the original voyage purpose, which included mapping the ocean floor for the purpose of laying cables to connect the British Empire. The ship also had a band, a cricket team, and produced amazing hand drawn and painted illustrations, a capability some say is lost today as imaging is so easy with extreme quality cameras everywhere. We think that it is important to reflect and renew our appreciation of the whole of life senses in our work and leisure.
TCOE is a partner with Educational Passages, We have written up a plan to use Mini Boats as a Challenger Challenge Project with students to provide a focus for studying the role of ships and voyages to capture ocean data.
TCOE with partners from the University of Rhode Island Graduate School of Oceanography and UNESCO Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission organized Global Ocean Science Education Workshops.
Last updated 10 May 2021